Fine Art Prints

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Fine Art Prints

Elevate your images or artwork with our Fine Art pigment prints, now backed by our prestigious recognition as a Certified Printing Studio for Digital Fine Art Printing by Hahnemühle. Ideal for photographic and fine art reproduction, digital art, black & white and color photography, limited edition prints, displays, or exhibitions, our prints ensure your creations shine on museum-quality paper.


Fine Art Prints are created with care using archival pigment inks and a large format inkjet printer. These luxury prints feature a weighty, fibrous feeling, vivid color and outstanding stability. We offer a beautiful collection of fine art papers from premier manufacturers. Color correction services are offered at no additional charge. A 5”x7” Test Print is included, on request, for prints ordered in sizes 16”x16” and larger. For smaller sizes, the Test Print fee is $10. Prints are offered borderless or with white borders.

In-lab Turnaround

Please allow 2 business days.


For a detailed look at our Fine Art Papers check out this recent article on our blog.

Standard Fine Art Prints

PremierArt 270 Smooth Matte
Matte finish, smooth textured and highly versatile; 100% cotton.

PremierArt 310 Water Color Paper
Matte finish, heavily textured watercolor paper; 100% alpha cellulose.

Arista 252 Photo Glossy
Glossy finish with the look and feel of traditional photographs; resin coated (RC) photo paper.

Epson 260 Photo Lustre
Luster finish with the look and feel of traditional photographs; resin coated (RC) photo paper.

Premium Fine Art Prints

Hahnemühle 305 Photo Rag® Ultra Smooth
Matte finish, a very finely textured surface and extremely silky feel; 100% cotton.

Hahnemühle 308 Photo Rag® Matte
Matte finish, a lightly-defined felt structure and soft feel; 100% cotton.

Hahnemühle 310 Photo Rag® Satin
Printed areas will have a soft sheen, while unprinted areas remain matte; 100% cotton.

Hahnemühle 315 Baryta Photo Rag® Glossy
High-gloss, fine surface texture and the aesthetic of a darkroom photo paper; 100% cotton.

Hahnemühle 340 Photo Rag® Metallic
High-gloss with a sophisticated silvery-shimmering finish and unique metallic effect; 100% cotton.

Hahnemühle Certified Studio for Digital Fine Art Printing - Color Services - Santa Barbara
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