Acrylic Face Mounted Prints

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Acrylic Face Mounted Prints

Acrylic Face Mounted Prints are custom-crafted display pieces that enhance your photos with the depth of 3D for a stunning presentation with impact! Choose Acrylic Face Mounts for premium contemporary wall art for home decor, business displays or gallery exhibits.

These prints feature a float mount hanging treatment that projects the print 3/4” from the wall and casts an attractive shadow. The float mounts include a sturdy wooden cleat attached to the back of the print and inset to minimize visibility.


We start by printing your image on photographic paper. Next, the print is face-mounted to flame polished acrylic and backed with black Sintra. Our crystal-clear acrylic provides optical depth and luminosity for unmatched beauty and brilliance. Without the distraction of a frame, Acrylic Face Mounted Prints provide an uninterrupted, ultra-modern display that highlights both the image and your wall!

In-lab Turnaround

Please allow 2 weeks.


Choose a print test (paper only, no acrylic), a face-mounted test on acrylic (no Sintra backing or cleat), or no test.

Acrylic Face Mounted Prints - Color Services
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