Tile Prints

HomePhoto Gifts

Tile Prints

Make a unique statement with your photos, graphics or artwork printed on ceramic tiles! Display them on a bamboo pedestal or hang them on a wall! Add a cork backing to lay them on a table...or use them for durable personalized coasters! Our smooth matte finish provides a truly luxurious surface.


Tile Prints are professionally printed directly onto sturdy ceramic tiles. Create your Tile Prints online with our easy interface. Upload your jpeg photo(s) and place them on our template. Offered in 2 sizes.

In-lab Turnaround

Please allow 2 business days.


Choose 4"x4" or 8"x8". All tiles come in a matte finish. Add a handmade Bamboo Pedestal or a plastic Sawtooth Hanger for display. Cork Backing is available for size 4"x4".

8x8 Tile Print with Bamboo Pedestal - Color Services
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